Volunteer students of the public schools of the district of Atacora were selected and trained on the way to collect seeds and grow the seedlings of African mahogany. They were trained during two training sessions in Wednesday afternoons and Saturday when pupils do not have class. Training sessions were conducted by horticulturists. At the end of the trainings, volunteer students collected seeds that were used to produce seedlings of African mahogany. They were provided with polyethylene pots, hoes and watering cans for seedling growing. They use the materials to produce seedlings. More than 3800 seedlings were produced. They were planted in public places dedicated to tree planting in the target district. Some plants were also sown within some forests. Local landowners who attended the sowing activities received a part of seedlings.
A series of eight sensitization campaigns were organized towards local populations. Young people, students, framers and healers attended to awareness sessions. Some of them attend the tree planting activities.
This project was supported by Crowder Messersmith Conservation Fund.