A series of awareness sessions were organized from 10th to 30th August 2019 in six primary and secondary schools. Sessions were organized in the districts of Bassila, Manigri, Godomey and Abomey-Calavi. Schoolchildren and pupils were sensitized on biodiversity conservation with a focus on vulture. They were informed about different vulture species occurring in Benin, how to recognize these species, their importance in natural ecosystems, threats and actions to undertake for the conservation of vultures.

A drawing competition on vulture conservation was organized toward pupils in schools where awareness sessions were conducted. During awareness sessions, pupils were informed about the drawing competition and interested pupils were registered. The competition was organized for volunteer pupils and the ten best drawings were selected. Authors of the best drawings were offered scholar stationeries (copy books, pen, pencils, rulers, etc.).
This activity was conducted with the support of The Crowder-Messersmith Conservation Fund of Audubon Naturalist Society